Welcome to the first entry of my first
blog, titled The Big Bang Myth. I have no plans to devote this blog
to any particular subject matter, so you may expect to see blog posts
on a wide range of topics including Christianity, science,
mathematics, electronics, computer programming, history, politics and
anything else I may feel the need to comment on. I am a Christian
first and foremost, and I pray whatever I may write, that it bring
glory to God.
As a matter of integrity, I deplore the
very notion of political correctness so be forewarned, you will
likely read here what many would consider distasteful or offensive.
This doesn't mean I like to be offensive, nor does it mean I would be
critical about matters of taste such as the color of someone's “goofy
looking” glasses. What it means is I won't trade moral truth for
popularity or the sake of unity. If I am aware of a trend in society
that goes against what is written in the Bible, sooner or later I'm
probably going to publish something about it, and its not going to be
in line with the popular view.
Why The Big Bang Myth?
"The Big Bang Myth" isn't
necessarily referring just to the supposed 'big bang', but is meant
to address the more generalised problem of science as faith.
Although the theory of the big bang is
written as theory in many school texts, it is often taught as
unquestionable truth. In some science circles, calling things like
evolution or the big bang 'theories' is likely to make you a target
of hostility and ridicule. Scientists pride themselves as discoverers
and guardians of truth, but the reality is, they foster an
environment where political correctness is valued above truth and
true critical thinking, any thought that opposes the religion of
science, is discouraged.
From the perspective of science,
evolution and the big bang become huge issues when seen as nothing
but unproven theory because there has been a lot of research done
that relies on the correctness of these theories to validate their
findings. In some cases, the very premise of a research project is
supported by the assumption that these base theories are correct. If
God were to suddenly show Himself to the world in some completely
undeniable way, and tell every person on the planet that the base
theories of evolution and the big bang were fundamentally flawed, a
huge portion of research would either be beyond repair or require
extensive reworking to make it correct. In other words, the
scientific community has a lot invested in theories that have not
been proven correct.
This is a huge issue in terms of
impartiality as well. Scientists are supposed to hold a neutral
position where it should not matter whether a theory is proven right
or wrong. Either way, something new is learned and knowledge is
gained. When it came to theories like evolution and the big bang,
instead of waiting for incontravertible evidence, they put all their
eggs in this one atheistic basket, going on faith that the handle was
going to hold. The handle now holds on through the use of a lot of
duct tape in the form of theories meant to prop up evolution. The big
bang is one of those theories which attempts to stay in line with
evolution by showing that planets, solar systems and galaxies
essentially follow the same process as biological evolution.
The problem with godless theories that
attempt to explain the formation of our universe is they always see
it from the point of human logic. With human intellect, it is very
difficult to grasp concepts such as infinity, especially in relation
to time, and the idea that there was a time when the universe just
wasn't. Even an attempt at describing the problem is a failure
because as a human, I have to apply universal concepts such as time,
to a problem that is extra-universal in nature. There will always be
the question of what was before and a scientific establishment that
refuses to acknowledge God's existence will always foolishly attempt
to provide answers. For example, scientists are currently developing
the theory of a 'pre-big bang' universe in the field of string
theory. I won't go into too much detail, but the idea behind it is
some kind of 'something' called 'branes' inside a hidden dimension
which, when they collide produce a big bang and a new universe.
Someone will again ask the question “what came before?” Science
in it's foolishness will again try to find an answer. All these
'answers', which have their root in evolution, will build to a point
where the prevailing 'facts' resulting from the theory are much
bigger than the theory itself. At this point, which I believe we have
passed, we will have myth instead of truth.
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